
外來人口網路申請統一證號 UI No. Online Application

Enquiry of Application Result 【Only for applicants from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and R.O.C.(Taiwan) nationals without household registration】(Enquiry and Printing Only)


  1. 適用申請對象:大陸地區人民、香港澳門居民及臺灣地區無戶籍國民。
  2. 申請人須在國內,且已入境至少4小時。
  3. 居留證或入出境許可證上已有統一證號者,免再申辦。
  4. 每人(含雙/多重國籍者)僅能申請一組統一證號。
  5. 入出境(國)許可證號碼:係指內政部移民署核發之入出境許可證號碼,為10~12碼數字。
  6. 持中華民國護照者,請填護照號碼,或於入出境(國)許可證號碼欄位填入護照上粘貼之臨人字號入出國許可證號,如113臨人字第12345678號,應填11312345678。
  1. Eligible applicants : People from Mainland China, Hong Kong , Macao, and R.O.C.(Taiwan) nationals without household registration.
  2. Applicants must have entered Taiwan area for at least 4 hours.
  3. Those who have already held a UI No. on their Entry & Exit Permits do not need to apply again.
  4. Each applicant (including a person with dual/multiple nationalities) can only apply for one UI No..
  5. Entry & Exit Permit No. : This is a series of 10-12 digits found on the Entry & Exit Permits issued by the National Immigration Agency.
  6. For R.O.C.(Taiwan) passport holders, please fill the Passport No., or fill the Entry Permit No. into the column of Entry & Exit Permit No., example: 113臨人字第12345678號, fill in 11312345678.

中文部分請輸入繁體中文 If information is in Chinese, Please fill in traditional Chinese only.
[*]為必填欄位 An asterisk [*] indicates a mandatory field that must be completed.

Eligible applicants People from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and R.O.C.(Taiwan) nationals without household registration
*中文姓名 / Name in Chinese
護照英文姓名 / Name in English (as per passport)
*出生日期 / Date of Birth 格式:YYYY/MM/DD   例:1980/01/01
*出生地 / Place of Birth 城市/州或省分 City/State or Province
*性別 / Gender
入出境(國)許可證號碼 / Entry & Exit Permit No.
for R.O.C.(Taiwan) nationals without household registration, Fill in at least one of Permit No. and Passport No.
護照號碼 / Passport No.
申請人在臺市內電話 / Contact Tel in R.O.C.(Taiwan) *市內電話/手機號碼至少填1項 Fill in at least one of the Tel and Mobile No.
申請人在臺聯絡手機號碼 / Contact Mobile in R.O.C.(Taiwan)
*電子信箱 / E-mail
*申請人在臺住址 / Address in R.O.C.(Taiwan)
If you have further questions, please contact the Foreigners in Taiwan Hotline : 1990